Articles Blog and Social Media Posts
Articles are a great way for building links back to your site. It works by submitting free article content to networks, who then in turn share your content with other webmasters so they can copy and paste it to their website.
With each article you submit you're allowed to provide an author biography. This is your chance to leave a strong call-to-action so anyone reading your article is included to check out your link (cloaked affiliate link).
For great long term results, you should write your own unique article content or hire someone on sites like Fiverr and Upwork to do it for you. To get started simply select an article below and submit it to one or several article directories.
Resell Rights Hack #1 - "There's Too Many People Selling The Same Product As Me, What Do I Do?..."
Resell Rights Hack #2 - How To Stand Out From The Crowd And Become A Reputable Seller
Resell Rights Hack #2 - How To Stand Out From The Crowd And Become A Reputable Seller
I'm sure you're smart enough to know, that you're not the only one with licensing rights to your product right?
In fact you might have even landed on some sites selling the same product as you?
I've already mentioned in a previous email that competition is not a problem as long as you source your traffic from many sources to your squeeze page and then let your auto-responder take over.
This should be common knowledge now, however if you want to stand out from the crowd and really go the extra mile to bring in the extra income, then there's 3 things you can do to that index.html file!
METHOD #1: Re-brand the graphics! Redo the graphics. Depending on your license, I will go out of my way to make the graphics better than the original or at least re-brand it so that my domain name matches the product title or vice versa.
This alone can separate my product from the rest. I’m okay with Photoshop, but for those who aren’t I highly recommend you pay the extra buck to hire a pro.
METHOD #2: Get testimonials! Give out free samples in exchange for testimonials. Whether it’s an eBook or video course or piece of software I’ll go out of my way to get a few testimonials of the product.
I’ll also be asking for a picture and a URL from the person reviewing the product. This does three things: a) provides authentic content for your sales page and makes it longer which Google loves, b) builds confidence in your visitor, c) allows your reviewer to build his or her reputation by providing their own link. I even go out of my way to pay people to give a 2-3 page review of the product. That way not only do I have a testimonial I also have a mini-report which I can give prospects who didn’t buy the first time round!
METHOD #3: Add bonuses! Add more value to the offer! Just because you’re selling a product and the sales page any extra bonuses doesn’t mean that you can’t add them in! In my experience the majority of resell rights licenses allow to you add bonuses and incentives to make the offer even sweeter.
For example, if I’m selling an eBook that came with master resell rights on how to optimize your sites for AdSense, my bonus could be for a set of AdSense templates, or perhaps a selection of graphic headers, or a ready-made AdSense website.
Do whatever you can to compliment the original offer to make everything more enticing before you think about lowering the price!
Follow these 3 methods whenever you set up a new product. The short term effort will pay off in the long run and you're definitely stand out as an original and reputable seller!
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #3 - Segregating Your List For More Profit!
Resell Rights Hack #3 - Segregating Your List For More Profit!
If you've been applying any of the techniques I've discussed with you in my articles, and actually started selling the products then no doubt you'll be turning a profit with each product.
One thing you should start implementing into your sales process is a marketing funnel system.
So for example, if you've just sold a copy of 'Conversion Profit' videos which teaches marketers how to get increase their website conversions then you'll want to get them off your 'free' subscriber list and onto your 'conversion buyer' list.
Aweber has a useful feature called Automation rules that can unsubscribe a person when they subscribe to another list.
So instead of sending your customer directly to the download page, you send them to a customer sign-up page first which then redirects them to the download page.
If a customer has just bought a training video series on 'Conversion Profit' do you think they'll be interested in software that could help them track, test, and tweak their sales page?... YES!
You could quite easily recommend premium conversion software ($97-$497+) as an affiliate and get credited for the sales. Not only are you collecting front end sales, but you're cross-promoting as an affiliate.
So for every product, you should create a seperate buyer's list that contains emails and offers more focused towards the subject.
This way you're narrowing down on your subscriber's needs and sending them to the right place. Your subscriber doesn't feel like they're promoted random offers and you organize your list into sub-categories even if you are in the internet marketing niche!
This is SMARTER marketing and can quite easily make the difference between a 5-figure earner to a 6-figure earner and can put you in another tax bracket!
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #4 - "Is It Worth Having An Affiliate Program with Resell Rights Products?..."
Resell Rights Hack #4 - "Is It Worth Having An Affiliate Program with Resell Rights Products?..."
Whenever you acquire a resell rights license to a product, one of the easiest things you can do to ensure long-term income is to set up an affiliate program.
But before you even waste your time doing this, you need to have your product polished up to a good standard.
There are a lot of products out there that come will resell rights but also come with poor graphics and poor sales copy and you won't stand a chance getting a sale! But as a Platinum member, this should not be a problem!
If you've added your own 'voice' in the sales copy along with personal testimonials and unique bonuses then you're already standing on strong foundations.
With your Platinum products you'll already have a standard affiliate page with some basic resources such as emails, banners and other graphics for your affiliates to use.
But what can you do to make it BETTER and to stand out from other resellers?
• Provide your affiliates with keywords
• Provide your affiliates with articles
• Provide your affiliates with spinnable articles
• Provide your affiliates with PPC ads
• Provide your affiliates with places to promote
• Provide your affiliates with forum and email signatures
• Provide your affiliates with promo videos
• Provide your affiliates with brandable reports
• Provide your affiliates with an article-based website
• Provide your affiliates with pop-up a/ slide-in ads
• Provide your affiliates with twitter tweets
• Provide your affiliates with social bookmark content
• Provide your affiliates with cash bonuses for making more sales
• Provide your affiliates with second tier commissions
• Provide your affiliates with a place to buy leads
• Provide instructions of how to apply all of the above!
I really could go on and on forever, but the point is the MORE you do for your affiliates, the MORE they will want to promote for you!
In fact, if I really want to push a product, I spend a lot of time working on affiliate resources and sales page so that both my conversions and affiliate activity increases.
The better your affiliates do, the more sales will occur and the more money you’ll make. Afterwards the product will be selling by itself WITHOUT any of your input.
The next thing is setting your payout. Here’s where you’ll want to be generous. Don’t insult an affiliate with a 50% payout, especially if it’s a low priced product ($27 or less). For them it’s just not worth it and they’ll just look for a better deal elsewhere.
Offer at least 75% commission, if possible 100% (, and support this). I’ll tell you now that I’ve made a LOT of money giving 100% commissions with my products because affiliates LOVE promoting it and knowing they’re getting paid for their hard work and effort whilst I get to build my list and sell on the backend with my auto-responder!
So in answer to the question "is it worth it?"... my answer is unless you like leaving money on the table then it's an absolute YES!
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #5 - "What type of list should I be building?..."
Resell Rights Hack #5 - "What type of list should I be building?..."
When you think about list-building you automatically think of collecting names and emails of people right?...
However when you really think about it, you can quite easily have multiple lists for different aspects of your business. For example...
I have a list of free subscribers who signed up at your squeeze page.
I also have a list for people who are complete beginners but I know they are willing to spend and invest to make their online venture work.
I also have another list for people who simply want to promote my products - my affiliates.
I have another list for people that want everything setup for them and are willing to pay for it.
I have another list for people that just want to take my articles and distribute them on their blogs for content.
I even have another list for people that simply want resell rights to my products.
Learn to segregate your list of subscribers so when you have something to promote you'll know exactly who to promote to.
For example, if I created a new product with resell rights, do you think newbies are going to be interested? Do you think they'll be asking you for help on setting them up? Do you think the refund rates will be high with them, and possibly cost you your time more than anything else?
What about the affiliates?... Do you think it's a good idea to promote directly to them or to simply tell them about the latest product you've released and where they can go and get their affiliate resources so that they can promote the product for you?
Would my article list want to know about it?... Possibly not because they're looking for content for their website, not products.
Your list IS your business and so are the people that make up your list.
So treat them right, understand why they signed up to you, and provide them with relavent content and watch your business grow!
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #6 - Are your customers DISTRACTING you?
Resell Rights Hack #6 - Are your customers DISTRACTING you?
In a perfect world you sell a product, your customer receives it automatically, there is no customer support involved and everyone is happy.
In the real world automated scripts fail, zip files are corrupt, customers close the window before completing their purchase and they even ask you help.
Do you have time to answer to problems?... I'll tell you now - NO!
If you want to GROW your business you need to stop checking your emails so often, stop replying back to every single email or problem.
You need to OUTSOURCE all of this so you can concentrate on what you should be doing - creating more websites and building more avenues of income!
I have my own virtual assistant hired from and I pay $50 per week to take care of all my emails. I provide her with the download links to my products and pre-written replies to commonly asked questions so she can do her job.
You don't even need support desk software. Simply register a new Gmail account and give it to them to manage.
This not only frees my time, but makes sure that I'm focused on creating more sites, generating more traffic, and making more sales.
If you're looking at your email several times during the day, you're wasting precious time. It's not just the time you spend looking at emails, but the interrupted time of having to get back into the swing of what you were doing.
Limit your email checking to once or twice a day. Once in the morning and once before switching off. Hire an assistant to take care of customer support and make sure you're putting your time where it's needed most!
Ironically you're reading this email and it's taken up your time, but let's see if it changes how you operate! :)
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #7 - Lower your customer refund rates!
Resell Rights Hack #7 - Lower your customer refund rates!
Ask any business owner wether in the online or offline world and they'll tell you that refunds are part of business.
It's not the nicest part of business and is considered an expense that needs to be reduced more than anything.
In the online world, it's very easy for someone to ask for a refund after buying a product off you - especially if everything is available to download and if you set it up through a merchant like ClickBank (who will refund on customer's request no matter the reason).
However there are a few steps to can take to ensure that your customers {!firstname_fix}, are happy and feel like they've been taken care of.
CHECK #1: Be open with your guarantee.
If you've offering valuable content and made it very clear about what's on offer then state a no-refund policy.
I tend to provide a 60-day guarantee by default and even a lifetime guarantee if I'm confident in my product.
However there will be times when I state a no-refund policy and explain why. For example, if it involves a personal service like setting up someone's website and putting together a sales funnel for them, a refund would be absurd especially if you're very clear about the service you provide and there's no way of removing the labour you've just put in.
Honest people would understand your reasoning and will still purchase especially if they've done business with you before.
CHECK #2: Shown your customer exactly what they're getting.
You've seen those websites that 'blind' sell to you right? You know the ones that go on about how their product will make you money like an automated cash machine system.
They spend so much time telling you what it IS NOT rather than telling you what it IS. I recommend you don't do this yourself because you're fustrating the visitor more than anything else and if they're not the slightlest bit happy or feel they were conned into something that wasn't really worth it then expect refunds.
I personally have never done this and I recommend you don't either.
CHECK #3: Thank and congratulate them on their purchase!
Remember this: Your customer did not buy the product but the solution that the product provides.
Someone customers buy for the experience more than anything and just want to get closer to you as the seller!
So if someone bought a PDF report off you on how to generate traffic, you'd explain how they've made a great decision to take action where it matters and do what the majority of website owners are clueless about.
Reiterate the importance of the product they've just bought and even ask for a testimonial from them after they've finished with your product.
This shows that you have their interest at heart and are not in this business just for their wallet!
CHECK #4: Follow-up!
Like a relationship, communiation is important. If you just sold a product to a customer and sent them straight to a page with a download link without any extra thanks and not even an email after, your customers are going to feel like you were just there to make a quick buck.
Learn to follow-up with your customers. How?... by sending them to your buyers list first before sending them to the download page as I've mentioned before.
Send out a few emails 3-4 apart after they buy reiterating the important points in your product.
CHECK #5: Reply to support emails fast (if not outsourced)
If there's a download problem or your customer clicked on the close button before they got to the download page (very common), then they'll be emailing you for the product.
Some will want answers immediately, and may even file a PayPal dispute if not replied within 24 hrs. Believe me I've had my fair share of this which is why I outsource my emails so I don't even have to think about it!
CHECK #6: Offer an alternative
Should a customer be truely unhappy with their purchase, or they skim-read your sales page and just bought for the sake of it (has happened many times before) then offer one of your other products as an alternative.
I've saved many sales just by negotiating product exchanges and it also makes them feel better served and looked after.
CHECK #7: Be gracious - here's why...
Finally, if all else fails accept the refund and be gracious about it. You will come across the odd customer who is just unhappy not many what they buy off you.
Just be gracious about it, smile and say thank you.
I had an angry customer (outside of the I.M. niche) who wanted a refund on a product, which I provided straight away and replied with a kind, 'thank you for trying it out anyway'.
Then minutes later the customer replies back with 'please let me know if you have anything in the future'. :)
So there you have it. 7 checks to ensure that you refund rates are kept to a minimum. Above all remember that even with the refunds this online business is still worth pursuing or else I wouldn't be here telling you this!
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #8 - Don't be upset from unsubscribes!
Resell Rights Hack #8 - Don't be upset from unsubscribes!
Like you, I was once new to email marketing and promoting to my subscribers. I was new to list building and creating my own products.
I was even bad at writing my own promotional emails - you'd laugh if you saw my early ones that were just a couple of lines long.
What really got to me though when I first started out was how people (even those that I didn't even promote to) were unsubscribing from my list. I was even more annoyed to see that even more unsubscribed when I sent out a promo email.
My advice to you?... Don't be. Don't be put off from unsubscribers. Don't be upset that people unsubscribe from your list without you even emailing them. And definitely don't feel like replying back when a complete newbie replies back to your promotional email as 'spam'.
Why?... Because it's THEIR LOSS. Not yours! Think of it this way. You're helping other people LEARN to make money online. You're providing quality training material for them, or you're recommending products or services that will help them.
It's entirely up to them how they handle it. If they're wanting the money to fall into their lap, then I say good luck to them!
And at any case, why would you want people like that on your mailing list?... They wouldn't buy anything off you and they'd just be costing you for having them on your auto-responder service.
If they've unsubscribed, then it's actually a win-win for both parties. They go elsewhere looking for the next big thing and continue struggling whilst you keep link-minded intelligent people like yourself {!firstname_fix} on your list :)
The other day I cleared off over 15,000 people from my list which were costing me $100+/month - just goes to show you that not everyone looking to 'make money online' is willing to work for it or learn it!
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #9 - Re-purposing Your Resell Rights Videos Into A Membership
Resell Rights Hack #9 - Re-purposing Your Resell Rights Videos Into A Membership
Let me ask you, how many training videos have you got on your hard drive? I bet you've got more than just the Platinum products you've acquired.
In fact I'm willing to bet that you could EASILY transform all the video training content you've got into a fixed term membership.
You know there's money to be made with Master Resell Rights products because it's so easy for other marketers to sell it like you are.
But have you ever thought about re-purposing those products that you can only sell an end user license too?
What if you could just start a fixed term 6 month membership where you deliver new training videos on a weekly basis at $19.99 a month.
That's only 24 sets of video topics within the internet marketing niche that can generate $199.94 in 6 months per subscriber.
It's so easy to do that you won't even need a membership script for this.
Here's how to do it:
STEP #1: Buy a new domain
Grab a new domain for your membership site themed around video training for beginners such as '', '', '' etc.
STEP #2: Organize out your video content
Decide what you want to teach your subscribers and what should be delivered when. The more content you can deliver, the longer you can make your membership subscription and the more you'll make in the long run.
For example:
week 1 - list building,
week 2 - squeeze pages,
week 3 - one-time-offers,
week 4 - setting up affiliate programs
week 5 - generating traffic with SEO
week 6 - generating traffic with forums
week 7 - generating traffic with articles
week 8 - product creation
week 9 - copy writing
week 10 - graphics training
week 11 - download protection
week 12 - email marketing etc.
STEP #3: Create a download page for each week
This will contain the download links so your customers can go to that page and grab their content.
Alternatively you can have the video imbedded into the download pages and have then 'online only' for added protection.
Create a download page for each week with random numbers and letters to make it harder to guess.
and so on...
STEP #4: Create emails for each week
Now you want to use your auto-responder to send your member to the download page of each week.
The email will pretty much say the same thing, except for your link itself and you'll want to space your emails out 7 days apart so that they're delivered consistently on time.
"Thank you for joining our internet marketing video course. Please grab week 1's videos..." sent on day 1
"Thank you for joining our internet marketing video course. Please grab week 2's videos..." sent on day 8
"Thank you for joining our internet marketing video course. Please grab week 3's videos..." sent on day 15
STEP #5: Create a sales page
Create a sales page that describes what your members will learn. Take the content from the original sales pages of each video course and use video screenshots to help them visualize what they're getting.
You want to make your videos look like they all belong to the same membership, so don't use the product graphics.
Get new graphics done for your site and a membership card image that represents your entire course.
STEP #6: Final touches
Add a subscription button on your site and have them redirected to your 'buyer's list' where they must signup to also receive weekly updates.
STEP #7: Promote your site
Promote your site to your current subscribers for instant members, and add that same email into your auto-responder sequence and watch the sales come in!
That's it!
When you think about it, you've already got all the tools and resources at hand. Even if you don't have 24 video series, you can quite easily gather more from a quick Google search for 'plr videos' or from the Platinum archives.
As for content delivery, your auto-responder can do this all for you.
The point is you're purposing the resell rights products in a way that not many marketers would bother to do, yet you'll be creating a more consistent and stable income for yourself.
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Resell Rights Hack #10 - 2 Super-Charged Traffic Gettin' Techniques You Should Use
Resell Rights Hack #10 - 2 Super-Charged Traffic Gettin' Techniques You Should Use
Traffic is probably the most important part of any online business. Without it, you won't get sign-ups or sales no matter how amazing your website looks.
Instead of giving you a bunch of methods you can try, I'm going to give you only TWO methods that are proven to work time and time again regardless of the years that go by.
You see, I like TIMELESS methods that work no matter how long it's been known. These are methods you can be confident in regardless of any internet changes.
Why is this important?
Because so many traffic methods come n' go like the wind and never stick long enough to make it worth your while learning.
Often with these methods, by the time you finish learning it and mastering, it's time to ditch it because it's obsolete in the marketplace.
It's like constantly getting your job outsourced overseas to someone who can do it faster, better, and cheaper.
So, today I'm going to expose one *FREE* method and one *PAID* method. One takes more TIME, and the other takes more MONEY to pull off.
Personally, I like the free methods, but it doesn't make it the BEST way for you.
Let's get started:
Forum Marketing Technique
If you're looking for an inexpensive way to drive hoards of traffic to your website to generate sales or leads, forum traffic is one of the best there is.
What makes forums so unique, is it's ability to put you in front of your targeted marketed of buyers. But, there are hidden rules you must NEVER break when going into a forum to promote your online business:
Rule #1 - NEVER spam the forum. You're asking for a public butt whoopin' if someone catches you trying to pimp out your links. If you don't have anything of value to say, than don't say anything at all.
Rule #2 - NEVER go out of your way to embarrass somebody publicly or "flame" them. Not only it make you look like the jerk, it will get you banned permanently from the forum.
This method is universal across most niches from Internet Marketing (obviously), to weight loss and acne cures.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Technique
If you have the extra cash from a previous business or 9 to 5 job, PPC advertising with google adwords is a good way to drive much faster traffic to your online business.
It's easy to assume it's as easy as 1-2-3 and, I wish I could tell you that it was. But it isn't. It takes more info and knowledge of the PPC to make it work for you.
There are pro's and con's to everything in life, and one of the biggest pro's to PPC or paid traffic in general is that you get INSTANT results in flash.
But that's the rub. The results can be either instantly good, or instantly bad.
If you're not careful, you can lose your shirt and lunch money before your bank account is emptied.
Or...if you move swiftly and keep control of how much money comes in and out of your campaigns, your profit margins will far exceed your wildest dreams.
You can even outsource your PPC campaigns to experts who will manage your spending accordingly. You say how much you want to spend per day on PPC, and they'll tell you which keywords to bid on and which ones give you the greatest returns.
So there you have it - two reliable and evergreen methods of getting traffic.
Converting will not be a problem with your Platinum products, it's just a matter of how you get them!
Resell rights products are a great place to start because most of the work is done for you. Download 10 products right now with master resell rights...
Here's a list of high ranking articles sites...