If you love watching and learning from video tutorials then you're going to love this... These exceptional video tutorials are designed to help the average person sharpen their financial and marketing skills.
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Inside you've get access to a wealth of information all geared to help you master your online business and financial independence. Discover how to run Adword campaigns, Facebook ads, start solo ads, media buys, generate traffic through Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram... to building your self-awareness, breaking limiting beliefs, how to reverse engineer successful people, scale to a 7-figure business... to investing in gold, silver and property... plus much more!
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Imagine... if you have the right knowledge and you are armed with an unstoppable mindset. Everything you'll ever need to jumpstart your understanding on this important subject is here at your fingertips.
Do you think you can save you tons of heartache and trouble? Do you think you will be able to save tons of money and choose the right markets?
You can be more efficient with your investments. With the years of experience invested into this course, you will gain a distinct advantage over everyone else...
The course is separated into 7 different modules with each part covering a specific area of your business. Each module represents a pillar and mastery of each pillar would help you in strengthening your business foundation.
In this first module, we’ll cover the first core fundamental which is your mindset. This is core because all of your actions originate from your thoughts so it makes perfect sense that if you want to change your results, you first must change your mindset.
Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives and desires. It’s how you view yourself from a third-party’s perspective.
For example, when you set for yourself a sales target and you feel fear of achieving it, thinking that it is impossible to do so then self awareness at this point would be to acknowledge that you are fearful and start to investigate inwards to understand why is there a fear of growth? Does it stem from unworthiness or something deeper?
Having a plan is crucial as it gives you clarity to your priorities. To do this, on a piece of paper, list down everything you want to be, do and have. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? And what is it that you want to have? You may also list this down specifically for your business.
Earning a 7-figure can be easy to some, but not all. Above all, success comes with consistency and commitment. In order to earn 7-figure income, you have to commit to learning and evolving. To constantly grow is the only assurance that your business will remain relevant for years to come.
Excellence is not about skill, but attitude. In order to achieve 7-figure income, you’ll have to banish excuses that get into the way. Even when you fail, don’t lose hope, keep striving ahead and do your best. In life, there are no failures, only lessons.
Just like Albert Einstein, he did not stop trying even after multiple failures and attempts, because he knows that it is through those failures, he learn, grow and never make the same mistake again.
The only thing constant in this world is change and to keep up with that change and stay relevant is to learn. The world is moving forward every hour, every minute and every second therefore we cannot use yesterday’s solution to solve today’s problem.
This goes the same to mindset. You cannot achieve a 7-figure income with a 3-figure mindset. The gap is just too big. Therefore you and your team need to commit to growing themselves not just in their skill and talent department but also mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
You have just started your business and sales are probably low which means profit is low. In this phase, you have two options, either you grow the normal way or you scale fast and to scale fast, you need to bootstrap.
In this module of big business blueprint, you will understand another tactic as it refers to being innovative. This will help you as a business owner to constantly challenge your business.
“If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door”. This quote from Milton Berle states that you need to create opportunities and form strategies that will aid in the growth of your million-dollar company. One way to construct a million-dollar company is to identify a pattern and scale it to the top.
While strategy can be difficult for many organizations to commence, its benefits are far-reaching and many. From creating new business opportunities, to streamlining the operations and engaging staff, a well-formulated strategy will enable increased growth, productivity and profit both now and into the future.
How to generate profitable offer ideas? Ideas are the bread and butter of the company. A great idea will sky rocket a company quickly to 7-figures than you can imagine and your offer to your consumers will keep the business engine running.
The first tactic in generating profitable offer ideas is by having a vision. Before starting with any ideas, you must first start with your vision. What is the vision of your company? Your vision is what will be the guiding light for all of your ideas to take shape because you can come out with as many ideas as you want.
In this module, we will be looking at your target audience, in order to give more focus in generating your ideas.
One of the best ways generate profitable offer ideas is to do a brainstorming session on product ideas. Ideally, your brainstorm should be with max 5 people because too many people would dilute the quality of the brainstorm session. Imagine 30 people in the room doing a brainstorm, not impossible but would be less effective.
Yes, you must have heard the saying to not reinvent the wheel which translates into don’t be a pioneer and just take something that is already there. Well that is true, however, when it comes to ideas, you would want to reinvent it.
We have arrived at the second part of “How To Generate profitable Offer Ideas” tactics, which is reinventing the wheel. Reinventing in this context means taking an existing idea, stripping it down to its bare components and then finding its key lever points and making it even better, even faster and easier.
In the world of business, capital represents the fuel for your business to run efficiently. If your business needs a bigger engine, you will be needing a bigger capital. A bigger capital will drive your business towards your desired destination, in other words, your goal.
Planning is crucial before you can pitch to your investors. Smart investors know if you are planning on a whim. So, build your plans before laying it out to the investors.
What exactly is an investment club? Well, they are a group of people who pool their money together to venture into investments.
They are an organized partnership. They have members studying different investments for the group to decide whether to buy, or sell, based on the votes of majority.
When money is pooled together, collectively as a group, bigger investment opportunities can be accessed versus going solo.
After you start getting the investors to invest into your business, it’s time for you to execute them together. So, you have your plan, you’ve joined an investment club and now, it is time for you to sell your ideas to your fellow investors.
You should begin repaying your investors once profit has been made. This is to reduce the negative impact felt by your investors after investing in your business. What do you think would happen if you fail to reach the standards you’ve set up with your investors? What would happen if you do reach it and delayed their share of the profit? How will that reflect your business opportunity in the future?
In this video, we’ll be focusing on how to scale and manage your business. You’ll also be looking at how to gain exceptional levels of income in the long run, continuously.
Before you set up a team, you need to estimate your cash flow. Without having any idea of how much money your business can generate, it is almost impossible to accurately plan your business ahead, and prepare for the tough times that may befall your outfit.
The next question you need to answer is how to increase revenue with the same amount of time and effort. You can do it by means of leveraging and optimizing your company. Leveraging your business means using your resources to their optimum advantage for improved results.
As mentioned before, one of the perks of having a strong business is you will have more free time to focus on the management and directional aspects of your business. For this to happen, you will have to start considering hiring a talented team of people to take care of the operational, daily and day-to-day tasks. One of the best strategies you can deploy is the S.A.S: Simplify, Automate and Systemize.
In the previous lessons, we have discussed about hiring a team to better handle the tasks that is needed to ensure your business thrives. The right team delivers the best results and will ensure the continuity of your business. But first, what is an ideal team size for the business?
If you happen to always end up with a poor-performing team, let me tell you why. Here’s the hard truth: The problem lies not with your employees but with your lack of leadership skills. Sometimes your team can be excellent in performing their tasks, but there may be some aspects that have not been addressed or have been overlooked that the performance does not reflect in the result. If you’re facing this problem, there are 3 key points in managing and building an “A” team.
There are always businesses out there who work harder, smarter and quicker than your team. If there is no growth in learning or developing current talents, surely one day, your competitors will close the gap and surpass you. This also means death to your business.
Debriefs are important after your projects to identify gaps and insights as preparation for other projects. So in this stage, it is essential that your project team prepare a list of gaps during the project.
The final part of this module is to manage your finances. If you do not know how to manage it, then there is no better time to learn. As a business owner in charge of your team, you need to know your finances to evaluate your business growth.
In this video we’ll be focusing on how to sell your business with a higher price and of lesser risk to the buyer. The idea for people to buy businesses is so that they can ease into the business without much tinkering and being in the business. You’ll also need to prove that your management team is locked into staying with your company after the acquisition.
So how do you sell your business for 4x to 12x multiplier? And what’s a multiple? A “multiple” measures some aspects of a company's financial well-being, determined by dividing one metric by another metric. The metric in the numerator is typically larger than the one in the denominator.
A multiple can be used to show how much your business is worth in the market, and how much will be able to make by selling your business away. For example, using the “P/E” ratio, if you plan to sell your company at 12 multiplier, what will be the price? Or how much should your company be earning before you sell it away
A buyer will only buy or invest into (in your buyer’s eyes buying your company is a form of investment) your company or your business if your company is able to help them to make more money. So you should improve your company’s financial before selling it away. Generate positive cash flow by driving in more sales because cash flow is king. To make your business a valuable and sellable asset, your company should have a history of making a healthy profit.
We’ve reached our final module and you will notice that we are transitioning from working for the money to having the money work for you. In this module, we will be going through strategies on creating long-term wealth by putting your money to work. What does this actually mean? It simply means you do not have to put any effort in generating your income, instead, where you choose to put your money into, will have the money multiply and grow for you!
A surefire way to gain long term wealth would be to invest in gold and silver. First, let’s talk about investing in silver. The investment offers a lot of different options. We will go through a brief overview of the focal points, and conveniences of purchasing the most well known silver bullion, and silver coin speculations.
The benefit of bullion is that once you have it, its value is entrenched and matches the silver marketplace. Silver price is historically more volatile than the price of gold, in that the value can change rapidly. In other words, the price of gold will rise, where based on historical volatility; the silver price would be expected to rise by a higher percentage than the gold price.
What makes a gold? Gold has been widely used before the existents of paper money (fiat money). Research stated that its usage was detected for over 3000 years; how can it retain its appreciated value? Gold has maintained its value through time. People perceive gold as a way to preserve their wealth from one generation to the next.
Now, let’s move on to gold investment techniques.There are several ways to invest in gold: Gold Coins (convenient and portable), Gold Bars (cheaper in bulk, even cheaper with the same weight bought with Gold Coins) and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
Property investment is when you own or bought a property that you are not staying in and is generating for you income. This sort of income is passive income. With your business expansion, you would want to keep your surplus of your finances invested in precious metals or property. If the money only sits in the bank and does nothing, it will devalue over time due to rise of cost and inflation. Money, when not worked, gets lazy and fat and that is exactly what happens in the bank.
To start investing in property, these are the fundamentals that you have to know: The price tag of the property. The amount it will cost to maintain the property. How much rental pay you'll get (if you are planning to generate rental income). How much your home loan reimbursements will be, if you are planning to generate capital gains.
Think about it... most people spend years at college just to get a degree. The schools and colleges teach people how to do their job but few ever teach people how to manage their money!
What is laid before you is a university education's worth on how to manage your money and how to turn it into a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
However, I have to be honest with you... it might seem challenging initially because nobody has taught you how to succeed in life. It might even go against the grain of your thinking... But it will be worth it. Being rich and debt free is worth learning.
The question is... are you ready to change your life?
You are on the road to create a life of financial freedom! Wealth Creation Blueprint is created for investors who have little knowledge and are already investing their money. It aims to elevate your knowledge on how you can utilize the different types of available investment vehicles in the market to create passive income that would ultimately assist you in achieving financial empowerment and freedom.
You might be wondering, why Gold? Why Silver? Why not Jade, Ruby or Diamond? Let me show you a scenario. 25 years ago, you could get up to 3 pounds of 2 bread at 1USD. Now, you can’t even get 1 pound of bread for a dollar! Now, what is happening here? Has the price of bread gone up? Could it be that the value of money had gone down? What does this have to do with Gold and Silver Investment you ask? Because while all this is happening, Gold and Silver are increasing in value!
There is a question about Gold that goes, “What makes the shiny metal so precious that it has started wars and ruined dynasties?” Well, the answer lies in its unparalleled features. Some of the prominent values of Gold are its durability. It is virtually indestructible, it is scarce, ductile and it is simply beautiful.
In this module, The Boons of Gold Investment, we will be covering the main reasons as to why you should invest in Gold. “The great merit of gold is precisely that it is scarce; that its quantity is limited by nature; that it is costly to discover, to mine, and to process; and that it cannot be created by political fiat or caprice”. The above saying declares how Gold is considered extremely valuable in the financial realm. Thus, research shows that there are 3 main reasons as to why you should invest in Gold.
Gold appreciates over time. Remember how Gold is indestructible and there’s practically no wastage of Gold that is taking place. Ask yourself, ever heard of anyone throwing away their Gold? Not me. Most of the Gold around us such as jewellery or coins are either sitting in reserves of central banks, or in your neighbors’ vault.
There are multiple choices of Gold Coins available for your taking. However, you are recommended to buy only international hallmark coins with 99.99% purity of Gold. Hallmark labelled Gold Coins are instantly recognizable and liquid around the world for their Gold content uniformity.
Another Physical Gold investment is through Gold Bars. It comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. What’s more, buying Gold Bars in bulk saves a lot of money compared to Gold Coins. It is also available in multiple weight, from 1 ounce to 100 and 400 troy ounces.
In this section, we will only be covering one of the most sought after Paper Gold Investment; the Gold ETFs. The main key point of this investment is that you are not required to own the physical Gold, only contracts.
Just like Gold, Silver will not be one of the precious metals around without its flexible characteristic and its hyped origin. Despite the undervalued appreciation Silver receives, in reality, Silver is more versatile in terms of its usage to variety of industrial and commercial application usage unlike Gold.
Why would you need to consider investing in Silver, if you already have Gold? In here, the Perks of Silver Investment will unravel your interest to invest in Silver. The demands for electronic devices like iPhone, Samsung, HTC for example, is one of the main reason why Silver is constantly being sought after. We rely so much on our mobile phones, ovens and refrigerator, it causes hundreds of patented applications for silver-demanded product every single week.
Just like Gold, there are 2 types of Silver Investment; Physical Silver and Paper Silver. When it comes to Physical Silver, of course, you could hold onto the Physical Silver itself but not Paper Silver. Physical Silver investment are determined by the amount of Silver Coins and Silver Bars that you possessed.
Another Physical Silver investment available is through Silver Bars. Silver Bars come in multiple shapes and sizes. Additionally, buying Silver Bars in bulk saves more money compared to buying Gold Coins in bulk. What’s more, it is also available in multiple weight from 1 troy ounce, 10, 100 and even 1000 troy ounces.
There are several Paper Silver investments out in the market.However, just like Gold, we will only be covering one of the most sought after Paper Silver Investment; the Silver ETFs. The primary point of this investment is that you are not required to possess the physical Silver, but contracts. Instead of holding Silver, investors can buy, hoard even sell shares issued by the Silver ETF just like a mutual fund. The investors’ pool of money will be used to buy physical silver and held them in trust on behalf of Silver ETF investors.
Now, it is the time for you to begin investing! This step-by-step of ‘how to’ is design specifically for you and customize to your investment needs to ensure that you choose the right type of investment, to gain that passive income that you always wanted from Gold or Silver.
Introducing the ‘C’ step; Calculate. Now is the time for you to evaluate your potential return and the cost required to do so. However, there are certain key factors that you would need to look at before you start calculating your investment price.
You’ve identified your decision to choose Gold. Why? Because you’ve learned that it contains valuable characteristics to improve your passive income in the future. You are certain that inflation is on the rise and the only way to curb your financial instability is to invest in Gold. The final two steps for this investment vehicle are to ascertain your choice and look for it Nearest You.
Gold and Silver are considered long term investment. So, are you going to be holding on to your Gold and Silver forever? The answer is simply, no. There will come a time where you need to sell them but now is just not the time. So, if you already converted your fiat currencies to Gold and Silver, hold onto it.
Are you at a stage where you’re tired of working for money, and would want to have money work for you instead? In this Wealth Creation course, the investment vehicle that we’ll be talking about is business. This vehicle is slightly skewed towards mid to long term investment. Are you ready to make more money and get out of the rat race quickly?
If investing in business is so rewarding, why isn’t everyone investing? Why
isn’t everyone a millionaire? So let’s talk about the pros and cons of investing
in business. The certainty and the uncertainty.
Before you invest your money into a business, you’ll need to know the pros and cons of the business that you would want to invest in.
In the previous module we talked about the potential benefits and the risks of investing in a business. So now, let’s go to step 1 of investing in a business. If you’re investing your money into some business you have not researched on, chances are, your money is going into the drain. If you do not take charge or manage your money, someone else will.
After identifying your area of interest in the kind of business you want to invest in, now let’s see whether you are ready? Is it important to check the company’s background before invest? Yes definitely! We’ll be discussing the 3 crucial elements that you need to look at before investing in any business.
In the previous module, we have talked about identifying areas of interest in business investment and what are the things to be on a look out for, before investing in a company. So now, let’s move forward to the 2nd Step of investing in a business - the Golden Formulas to your massive passive income!
As a wise investor, you must only buy or invest into a business that is able to help you to make more money. Positive cash flow is what you’re looking for, because cash flow is king. A business with a healthy cash flow is like a golden goose that will be laying golden eggs for you.
You must be wondering why you need to calculate the ROI in two ways. Here’s why, it does make a lot of sense to think that you only need to know the ROI of the business. But, a winner will further ponder in the event where the company’s ROI is high, definitely the ROI for the money you invested is high too, but the question is, how high?
Do you have what it takes to invest in any type of business in this world? In about 10 secs from now you’ll be introduced to the META theory to invest in any business that you desire!
You’ve unlocked the secret step, which is step 4 of business investment. In the previous modules, we talked about the three steps in business investment. So, are you ready to take things one step higher?
Know the potential risk or failure is also an opportunity for you to make a wise choice and rational decision. The company that you perceived to be profitable turns out to be less valuable than what you think. Does that say something about you?
To secure your investment, check if the company bought any insurance. This is crucial, what is accidents happen to the company you invested in? Will the accident affect your return of investment? You might feel bad for only thinking about the money, the ROI, but it’s true, who will put in money to a company that’ll generate not profit but lost?
Would you rather invest in a company where the management is making all the decisions and employees with excellent potential is not being appreciated OR a company which values people that are creative at solving problems and have fun while doing it? “At the end of the day, it’s the results that matter” you might have that kind of thinking, but, isn’t it better to get the results and have fun at the same time?
In this module we will be discussing the 5 aspects to take note before confirming the investment with the company you’re interested to invest in.
Let’s continue with the fourth aspect, which are the legal contracts. This part is where things get interesting. There are companies out there in the market which are doing pretty well and are tied by some legal contracts with a third party. Upon investing do you have to obey the contract’s terms and conditions too?
Remember “A” in “META” represents ACTIONS. And I have something really interesting for you coming up next. Here are 10 action points for you to execute your plan and journey of investing.
In this module, we will be talking about Real Estate Investment, and provide you with the essentials to invest in your first property. It does not matter if you have zero, or little knowledge about property investment, or if you are already a seasoned investor. By the end of this course, comprising of 16 modules, you will be equipped with an in-depth understanding on property investment, and also, to add value to what you already know.
Purchasing property is indeed a very exciting process. Thus, you have got to be excited too because how can you invest in something that you have absolutely no interest in? This is very important. For example, when you venture into an investment without the feeling of excitement or eagerness, it will reflect on the money earned.
In this module, you will learn about the 5 fundamental property principles, which is strategy every successful property investor needs to master.
Now, let’s discuss the following principle of managing your doubts. It's important to have clarity before starting your investment venture because without clarity, you won't be able to invest confidently and you will be filled with uncertainty. In property investment, you need to have a clear purpose on why you are investing in the first place, rather than doing it aimlessly and wasting your time, energy and resources.
Now that you have understood the correct mindset to practice and the fundamental property principles, you are now ready for the next part; the reason to invest in property.
Property investment is a game. To some people, likening property investment to a game stirs a negative connotation. There is a huge amount of money involved in this investment, so why are we referring it as a game? Well, the answer is simple. A lot of investors take it too seriously and forget that investing should also be fun, just like playing a game. Looking at property investment as a sport will be a lot less daunting and fun. Wouldn’t you agree that we make more money, when we are having fun?
In the previous modules, we have already explored why we need to invest, as well as looking at the whole property investment game. Now, let’s explore two important parameters in property investment which will be used to assess your real estate investment potential. There are two golden tickets to make money from real estate investments, which are expressed through rental yield and capital gains.
In this module, we will cover the topic of Capital Gain. Capital gain is an increase in the value of a capital asset (investment or real estate) over time that gives it a higher worth than the purchase price. The gain is not realized until the asset is sold.
In this module we will cover one of the most critical success factors in property investment, which is the property selection and financing your asset. This is an important factor for a strategic and successful property investor as it will either make or break you. Believe it or not 9 out of 10 amateur investors do not make the correct decision in selecting their property and this leads to poor financing!
Many first time investors are able to afford a property based on their monthly budget, but they forget to take into account the initial transaction costs, which also includes other legal fees and stamp duties. A general rule to ensure that you are able to pay the initial transaction fees is by saving up and preparing a budget of around 4% - 5% of the property price.
In this module, we identify the right mortgage for your balance payment. There are a few types of mortgages that you are able to choose from, which can be broken down into 3 categories: Standard term loan, Flexible mortgages and Fixed term bundled insurance.
It is vital for you to understand all of the costs involved in acquiring and holding a property, especially if it is your first time investing in one. However, do not make an immediate assumption that you cannot afford to invest. A lot of people make this mistake by giving up, even before starting the game. As long as you have a stable and decent pay job, and a solid employment history, you should not have a problem obtaining a loan to help you finance your investments.
There are 2 success factors to be taken into consideration in order to be a strategic property investor. Firstly, are your key stakeholders, who play a major role in ensuring that you invest strategically. Stakeholders are people who in one way or another have an impact on you as an investor. As a strategic property investor, it is impossible for you to know everything, as time and resources are limited.
In property investment, leverage is the number one advantage. As explained in the previous modules, you are able to purchase an asset without having to worry about forking out your own money. Instead, you have the privilege to utilize the bank’s money for housing loans. You can also leverage other people’s expertise in managing your investment risks, for instance real estate agents are your eyes and ears in the property market as they are the experts in the field!
There are 3 main risks associated with real estate investment. The first risk is property transactions. It can get quite very complicated and it takes at least 3 - 4 months to complete the ownership transfer. The amount of legal documentation involved, especially regarding loan matters must be taken into consideration. It will take even longer if you are dealing with leasehold properties as it involves the state’s consent.
Now, all the information would surely be meaningless if you do not start and act on it! So, this module will give you a recap on the previous modules and simple steps for you to take that leap. Let’s I.N.V.E.S.T!
Now that you know the strategies and tactics of investing in the three investment vehicles (Gold & Silver, Business, and Property), the final part is putting it into action. So, before we end this course, here are 4 pointers to kick start your wealth blueprint!
Everyone knows that if you have a website that's making sales even though it's getting traffic, you may as well turn it off and save the money that you pay for hosting that site. If your sales copy is bad your sales will be worse.
Poor sales copy, equals no cash, there are no two ways about it!
If you are not making sales with our current website the most likely problem is with your current sales copy. If you want to start making sales for you and your clients then you need great sales copy, plain and simple!
Every business, regardless of size or stage has to excel in generating new leads as it directly relates to potential sales and profits. This becomes very important every month and is the main struggle most freelance copywriter face.
With Million Dollar Copy, we address this struggle by showing you how to find and manage your leads and clients, how to pitch and close deals, and you will even learn strategies and tactics in leveling up your business to a potential 7-figure business.
The game of freelancing is a fast paced game especially if you are working on your own and if you do not have a dedicated team assisting you with marketing or servicing clients, you have got to be smart with your time and resources.
The last thing you want to do is to be slow in responding to new leads and be far too occupied with existing clients. It is important to have a system on managing your leads otherwise you end up confused and cluttered. This clouds your focus and you won’t be able to prioritize your clients. Where your focus goes, your wealth flows.
In this module we'll look at 3 lead management tactics which you can deploy.
In every market, there are many businesses out there competing for customer’s attention and sales. If they have a bigger advertising budget, they will “shout” and promote louder than you so much so it drowns your voice.
Therefore, as a copywriter, it is important to know and develop a differentiation in your service and what you offer compared to your competitors. This is so you can stand out from them.
To do this, you need to define and focus on building your Unique Selling Proposition or USP for short. A USP communicates the difference in your service between you and your competitors. This helps to influence, persuade and convince leads and potential clients to choose your service.
In the previous modules, you’ve learned about generating and managing leads, finding your unique selling proposition and communicating it. Here in this module, we will cover crafting your secret offer, also known as the proposal to present to your leads and potential clients. It’s a secret because they will only know your offer after they have been pre-qualified. You wouldn’t want your rates to be publicly known to your competitors.
In this module we're going to show you on how to close a deal in 8 Steps. This formula will help you close virtually any sales and remember this 8 Step formula; “D.C.L.O.S.I.N.G”.
There are 3 sections to this formula. The first section is “The Deal”, the second section is “The Client” and the last section is “The Close”.
You will reach a stage where your schedule has filled up to its maximum capacity and you would be balancing between looking for new business versus writing copy. At this stage, you would have gained expertise in generating and managing new leads, managing existing clients and writing great copy.
Can you alone make a million dollars? Yes, possible. If you charge high enough at $50,000 a month consistently, you will be a millionaire in 2 years, more or less. However in exchange, you may reach burn out stage sooner than you think which at the end of the day isn’t worth it at all.
Instead of a one man show, a better way is to set up a team to do the delivery for you while you focus on sales generating activities like marketing, generating new leads, pitching and networking. To do that you need to be working on your business instead of in your business.
In order to write an effective copy, it has to capture attention and be able to amplify the interest of your target audience. It also has to create desire by empathizing with them on the problem that they are facing and propose or produce a solution to solve their problem.
Your copy must include a call to action for your audience to take which can vary from signing up to an email list right up to purchasing something immediately.
This module is for beginners who are starting out as copywriters and it's also for those who are seasoned copywriters. We will be covering on how to write an effective and excellent copy. Let’s get started.
You are finally entertaining the idea of building your own 7 figure online empire and projecting your worth. You acknowledge the struggle that you are going through, where you realize should earn more than what it is you possess now. You are ready to pave the extra mile with your online business.
Above all, you are motivated to take all the necessary actions for your online business success. There is no shortcut to success. But I can promise you this course will provide you with the necessary strategies for you to set up your online business from scratch, even if you are not familiar with the Internet Marketing realm. Let’s get started!
* Necessities and technicalities you need to cover before setting your Online Business
* Learn the most important step you have to do
* Chose the most appealing name for your business
* Be carefully and chose a strong protection
* Last things to know before you start
* What is and what you can do with Affiliate Marketing
* Why affiliate marketing
* Making a new satisfying experience to your customers
* Take notes on how to generate traffic at its fullest
* The detailed description about what is a sales funnel
* Learning in depth about selling funnels
* Why it is called a sales funnel and how can you use this for your benefit
* Increase the probability of a sale
* How many stages are involved in a Sales Funnel
* How to generate massive commissions with less effort
* What are Height Ticket Offers
* Be amazed of how easy it's to learn this
* See for yourself why this will help generate a lot of income
* What can you do to increase your reputation
* If you want to be at the top you need to implement the C.R.A.F.T strategy
* What this strategy is and how will impact your gains
* Get to know the current online market
* Learn what the actual steps are in this strategy
* In depth explanation on how to use everything you learned in this guide
* Why you should survey or spy on the market
* Chose the perfect niche that can bring you upfront
* This will help you not fail like other marketers
* What accounts you need to create to do this tasks
* How to break the results in few steps and how to select the best products
* Look into the components that make a sales funnel
* Detailed explanation on every step you have in a sales funnel
* Learn how to focus on your number of prospects
* How to attract customers and how to make them stick around
* Provide value for your customers
* First important step on how to build a list
* Why you should build your list almost instantly
* How to acquire new prospects
* Say up front what you want and what you expect from your customers
* You will be amazed on how easy it is to filter your customer
* Here you will learn the most important 7 things you have to focus on
* Listen and be surprised on how this can help you make a lot of money
* Real life examples to see for yourself why this will get you closer to success
* Learn the basics of marketing your offer
* What are the keys to earning massive profit
* Being able to generate a massive amounts of traffic to your website
* Why you can achieve this with only this option
* Why you should study your traffic number to multiply your success
* The most usual myths you will hear in the affiliate marketing niche
* See for yourself how we debunk those myths
* Learn new steps on how to make extra commissions
* How to select the best product to promote as an affiliate
* See why you don't have to worry about the lack of products
* It is imperative you watch this video to avoid mistakes
* This one step will get you closer to the best result
* Learn why this skill is especially important
* What are the components of an effective sales letter
* Why the specific characteristics of a letter are important
* This bundles will help you in this task
* Sales letter tips and tricks
* This module will equip you with the necessary criteria on how to chose the best product
* How you're supposed to know the best one to promote
* See with examples what criteria will help
* In detail explanation on what those criteria are
* What is Google adwords?
* Why this is the easiest way to generate results
* How to create adverts for your company
* In this chapter we share with you some effective tactics
* First steps on how to create a new account
* Why to create 2 separate campaigns
* How to structure your add campaign on demographics
* Control your budget at the campaign level
* Learn the steps on how to write simple reviews
* Why you need a review article to promote your products
* How to get access to the product reviews
* See with example on why you should document yourself regarding the product
* Step by step description on how to make your life easier
* Strategy to create a successful google adwords campaign
* Generate more sales and save more money
* How you direct the qualified customers to your adds
* How to create a compelling headline
* Converge and tracking, why this is the most important thing you should do?
* In this module we will equip you with necessary strategies to triple your commissions
* Get an edge over other affiliates with this aspect
* Why you should learn to plan your strategy
* Get an edge over the competition with this obvious step!
* Look into this crucial step in every google adwords campaign
* Learn how to assess your campaign
* The exact steps on how to do this
* In depth examples on every step in your campaign
* How to take actions to improve your campaign
* A good bonus offer to make it special with a few tips
* What a proper criteria on how to put your bonuses
* What are other things you should know when setting your own bonuses
* Why you should give right a way something your promised to do
* See with quality examples on how to keep the same customers
* We will learn at a yet another traffic generation option
* Get to know the details regarding this easy step
* What is Media Buying
* In how many steps can you split this task and how can this make your life easier
* Learn the types of Killer Bonuses to maximize your profits
* What is your goal regarding your customers
* How can you help your subscribers to make more money
* Learn practical things you can use
* How to make the products more appealing to customers
* In this video you will have access to the guides you need to be successful
* How to chose the best banner
* Learn to customize your banner
* How you can create your banner with few money, but with great results
* What are Solo Ads?
* Learn to manage your resources
* Where do you find your targeted audience
* In detail explanation on how to find your target audience
* Learn what Facebook Ads are?
* How can this platform help your business
* In this video you will learn how important it is to keep it al at a professional level
* Learn how you can exploit Facebook methods
* Why you should separate your ads sets
* Explore the basic fundamentals of Facebook fundamentals
* Look at target audience and retarget your ads
* In depth examples on how to use Facebook Ads in your favor
* Few steps that will help you build a good portfolio
* In this video we will look at a lesser knows but effective to draw traffic
* What is WSO?
* How to create your own special offer
* How to create your WSO with in depth details
* Here you will learn what to do to get the results you need
* Learn about another google related traffic generation option
* Why is SEO and how will help your business
* Why you should definitely pay a great attention to this optimization option
* Familiarize yourself with SEO with in depth explanation included in this video
* In this module we will learn about another great traffic generation option
* What can you do on Instagram to help your business?
* Quick explanation on market penetration
* How to take advantage of Instagram
* In this video we will look on how to generate traffic and create product awareness
* Getting started with Tumblr
* Easy steps to create your company account
* How to use Tumblr layout to your benefit
* Learn to create custom URLs
* What is Pinterest and what it can bring to your business?
* Learn to chose topics of interest
* How to brand yourself to make your page more appealing
* In depth details on how to create and maintain your boars
If you want instant access to everything listed above without having to purchase these courses individually, then use the order button below to secure your bundle discount before the timer expires.
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You're now one step closer to building an online business that you've always wanted. Our training videos were created for marketers so you're getting REAL training that you need and refer back to time and time again.
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How can we make such a confident guarantee? Simple. Firstly because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and secondly because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.
You're getting access to the exact information we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.
To Your Success! Firstname Lastname and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!
Firstname has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Firstname is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact YOUR@EMAILADDRESS.COM for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.
Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.
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