“Who Else Wants to Cash-In on 10 Hot Products Complete with Master Resell Rights?”
If you've wanted to start your own online business, sell your own products, or even start your own membership then stop what you're doing and read EVERY word on this page!
Wednesday 15th of January
From Firstname Lastname and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers
There's no doubt about it! Acquiring the rights to sell an existing product that someone else has made is one of the quickest and most painless ways to get set up and running a business online! It's right up there with buying a franchise to an existing company and having customers coming through the door the same day you open!
If you really think about it, it makes sense.
I mean why go through the hassle of doing EVERYTHING yourself? Sure you want to save money by not hiring a graphic designer, sure you want to save money by not hiring an eBook writer, and sure you want to save money by not hiring a direct sales copywriter. But is that REALLY a wise move?
It could be days, weeks, even months before you have a finished and polished product and who's to say that it's going to be successful? Let's not forget that all that time you've spent playing about with DreamWeaver and Photoshop, you could have been actually MARKETING your product and getting TRAFFIC and SALES already!
That's why I firmly believe in and completely thankful that Master Resell Rights has decided to show up, especially now during this over-populated and saturated times where everyone wants to become the next big thing online!
It's Now Easier Than Ever!
Thanks to Master Resell Rights it's now easier than ever to start making serious money online. You just grab the product, add your own payment link, add your name and contact info to the page, make sure it redirects to your download page after payment and start promoting your website!
Seriously, how long will it take you to do? 5 minutes?... 10 minutes tops? Even if you're a complete newbie, these tasks are all tutorialized on YouTube!
Is it any wonder why Master Resell Rights products are so popular? But with so many resell rights products available on the Web, it can be difficult to distinguish between good products, bad products, and seriously bad products - ones that you wouldn't even touch with an ugly stick and would rather start from scratch because of the way it way put together!
Well thankfully you're here today reading what I have to say, and I'm glad you did. Because this give me a chance to actually show you what DECENT resell rights products actually look like and how much more easier it is for you to get up and running because all the nitty-gritty work has been done!
So, please scroll down below and take a look at the new set of Master Resell Rights products you'll get instant access to and sell for 100% profit! I will also share with your my personal money making ideas and how I profit with master resell rights products towards the bottom of the page.
10x Profit-Pulling Products Done For You Ready To Sell Right Now!
Master Resell Rights Business #1
A proven Road Map To Banish Fears!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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What is the number one – possibly the sole – conflict between living your aspiration and being passed by while stagnating?
The rudimentary conflict is fear. Fear of missing it all; fear of what some other person may believe; fear of being never good enough.
Our design is our own; life is inquiring and we reply. Do we humbly submit and let life, let those about us, decide where we're going? Do we answer a maybe in response to life in a hushed voice? Or do we remain firm and remain true to our innermost wants; to live a life of merit and fulfillment – a life of responsibility?
Ever observed how we straightaway offer a defense when somebody confronts us about our unfit conduct?
We’ve all been guilty of it sometimes and what a finer way to divert that confrontational attention off of ourselves. “If you believe I behaved badly, you ought to see how she acted!”, “I only betrayed her because she did it to me first, I’m not a immoral person”, “You believe our relationship has troubles? What about the Smiths’, they’re genuinely the ones who need couples counseling”.
All of us can come up with somebody else to fault or at any rate find somebody else who has some more faults than ourselves to take the heat off and position ourselves in a beneficial light. Making comparisons in this manner seems to be constructed into our DNA. In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
We Are Responsible For Our Own Lives
Chapter 2:
Just What Is Fear
Chapter 3:
Self-Justifications Don’t Make True Limitations
Chapter 4:
Getting Fears In The Open
Chapter 5:
Tips To Uncovering Your Fears
Chapter 6:
Taking Action
Chapter 7:
Releasing Fear With Meditation
Chapter 8:
Overcoming Fear With Self Hypnosis
Chapter 9:
Using Spirituality To Combat Fear
Chapter 10:
The Knowledge Of Failure
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #2
Most Inspiring Music Songs Of The 21st Century!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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Music may open your eyes, cause you to think, make you think more profoundly.
Music may energize you, fill otherwise void moments, and keep you company.
Perhaps your life has you tied up in tangles. Music may help you come through your day, loosen up, solve your troubles, and just take that load off your brain. It may inspire you to face yet some other day...
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that come from inspiring music!
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
Leave A Legacy – Aaron and Jeoffrey
Chapter 2:
Heal The World - Michael Jackson
Chapter 3:
Can't Take That Away - Mariah Carey
Chapter 4:
Imagine - John Lennon
Chapter 5:
I Believe I Can Fly - R Kelly
Chapter 6:
Jesus, Take The Wheel - Carrie Underwood
Chapter 7:
Wind Beneath My Wings- Bette Midler
Chapter 8:
We Are the Champions – Queen
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #3
Defeat Depression!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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Depression and anxiety particularly have become so prevalent that it’s exceedingly common for individuals to be taking medication for one or even both of these mood disorders. As a matter of fact, the incidence of depression and anxiety has tripled since 1990 and more than twenty-five percent of the adult population in the U.S. suffers from one or more mood troubles.
Are you blue, anxious, irritable, tired, inundated or emotionally delicate? These forms of mood disorders have become shockingly common, and in a lot of cases, may easily be resolved. Many people have never heard of this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that will relieve your depression!
Once a thought is no longer perceived as a facet of your identity, it's conceivable to question it.
When an idea is mistaken for truth it may be hard to pull out from under the feelings affiliated with that idea.
For instance, an individual who is newly divorced may think, "I'll be alone eternally as no one will love me ever again."
This is likely not true, but the idea may seem so big and true and undeniably real, that it absorbs the entire sense of self. Feelings of aloneness and desperation become profoundly rooted and depression sets in for the long run.
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Wellness Checklist
Chapter 3:
Keep Nutrition In Check
Chapter 4:
Adequate Sleep
Chapter 5:
Exercise Even Though It's Difficult
Chapter 6:
Don't Drink
Chapter 7:
Don't Blame Yourself
Chapter 8:
See Someone
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #4
The 10 Best Board Games For Family Fun And Hapiness And How To Play Them!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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The aim of a family fun night is to have 'fun'! So, do not pick a board game that's too hard for your kid's age, or one that you detest playing. Selecting a game for family game night may be a little tricky if you have kids at different developmental stages. Begin by playing one that your youngest child definitely may play.
Many people have never heard of this and have no idea how to go about figuring out how to have some good fun with the family.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets behind family fun!
Board game nights are amusing to plan and anticipate however, it's simple to pull out a game if you're family seems bored, or you want to switch off the television monster for a while.
Keep a hoard of great board games for these occasions, and you're sure to discover a taker when you inquire, “Does anybody want to play a game?”
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chinese Checkers
Chapter 5:
Chutes and Ladders
Chapter 6:
Game of Life
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Candy Land
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #5
10 Ways To Fight Off Cancer!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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Discovering that you or a loved one has cancer can be utterly terrifying. All the same, once you comprehend the causes of cancer and learn how to reverse those causes, you or your loved one may have more than a fighting chance of beating out cancer.
Even if you're taking the standard medical treatments or just trying not to ever get cancer, you are able to safely improve the effectiveness of what you do by utilizing some simple things. Most people have no idea what these strategies are.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your chance of averting cancer!
This might be the single-most crucial and easy to comprehend info you'll read about overcoming or preventing cancer.
Once you comprehend the underlying causes of cancer and what to do to correct those causes, you are able to take effective action to overcome your cancer.
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
Foods You Must Include
Chapter 2:
Fiber Is Your Friend
Chapter 3:
Chemicals Are Not Your Friend
Chapter 4:
Put Down The Smokes
Chapter 5:
Add Lycopene
Chapter 6:
Get Better Sleep
Chapter 7:
Sun Burns Are Bad
Chapter 8:
A Few Less Drinks
Chapter 9:
Drop Those Extra Pounds
Chapter 10:
Be Proactive
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #6
Unstoppable Upline! - Ways To Be The Best Mentor For Your Team!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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Beneficial mentoring relationships may be richly rewarding, not only for the individual being mentored, but for the mentor as well.
Mentors may, amidst other matters, supply exceptional learning experiences for their mantes and, in doing so, amplify their mentees' awareness, perceptivity and perspective. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your effectiveness as a mentor.
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Beneficial Role Model
Chapter 3:
Be Interested
Chapter 4:
Share Insights
Chapter 5:
Be A Sounding Board
Chapter 6:
Furnish Feedback
Chapter 7:
Acknowledge Accomplishments
Chapter 8:
Offer Advice Correctly
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #7
6 Simple Rules Of Power!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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There's one thing that differentiates happy and successful individuals from misfortunate, unsuccessful individuals. It's all in the attitude and personal power.
We can't all of the time control the conditions that we chance upon, however what we may control is how we respond to them.
In that way we may make fresh selections and take a different action, therefore bringing ourselves toward success. A positive mental attitude for life success is utterly crucial and provides great personal power. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your power everyday!
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
Successful Mental Picture
Chapter 2:
Cancel The Negative
Chapter 3:
Deal With Difficulties
Chapter 4:
Be Yourself
Chapter 5:
Get Counseling
Chapter 6:
Develop Self Respect
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #8
The Force Of Fulcrums! - How Simple Shifts In Your Thinking Will Make You Rich Forever!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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If you wish to grow beyond your current state of being, you'll need to learn about the fulcrum precept.
A fulcrum is the pivot point for a lever. Therefore, whenever you wish to properly utilize leverage, then, you'll need to place the fulcrum in the right place.
Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!
In this guide you'll discover...
The 5 most crucial areas of your life - what I call the tangible, mental, personal, emotional, and vocational facets of yourself.
The tools you should take with your for life!
How to keep an eye on an individual's communication skills.
How to remain in tune with the all that is - remaining in harmony with the higher powers beautiful universal vitality.
How to attune yourself to the greater frequencies where manifestation starts using the 3 manifestation bodies.
How to leave your past times and go onward - no matter what has happened in the past - acuired or not!
and much more!
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #9
Gratitude Now! - learn How Being Thankful will Change Your Future!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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There’s a ton of data floating about on how to be successful in any endeavor.
I’m certain you’ve heard about the requirement for a clear vision, a conviction, a great understanding of human behavior and the precepts of influence. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your effectiveness and save hours everyday!
We do not live in an existence of random accident or luck. We live in a world that operates by laws; predictable, repeatable, perceivable laws.
There's a law of gratitude and appreciation, and if you're to get the results you are looking for, it's utterly essential that you ought to abide by this law.
Now, what is this law of gratitude and appreciation and how does it function? It's a practice of the law of cause and effect: The law of gratitude and appreciation is the innate principle that action and response are forever equal and in opposing directions.
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
What’s Missing For Success
Chapter 2:
Don’t Resist
Chapter 3:
Be Satisfied
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
A real world value of $197!
Master Resell Rights Business #10
Miracle Mantras! - Combine The Power Of Affirmations And the Law Of Attraction For Instant Results!
(sell to end users and resellers unlimited times and keep 100% of the profits!)
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Science is just exposing what many mystics have recognized for hundreds of years: “Your thoughts are defining your world!”
Physics has exposed that views have an energy that pulls in like energy. So in its basal form, you'd see that positive views would pull in positive consequences, whereas damaging views would pull in negative consequences. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.
Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your results in life!
Somehow, many descriptions of the Law of Attraction make it appear as though it were a production of the New Age movement. It isn't.
Over two thousand years ago, the wise Buddha was cited as stating: All that we are is the final result of what we have believed. The mind is everything. What we believe we become.
The opinion that our minds build our reality has been instructed in Eastern doctrine for several thousand years. The construct of karma likewise has its beginnings in the Law of Attraction.
Karma says that you'll sooner or later be revisited by that which you have sent off out into the cosmos. If you've exercised kindness and compassion you'll get kindness reciprocally. If you've been deliberately brutal to some other person you'll get back into your life that harshness which you've sent out. How much of this is fact, how much is fiction?
In this guide you'll discover...
Chapter 1:
History Lesson
Chapter 2:
What Is It
Chapter 3:
How To Utilize This
Chapter 4:
Using Affirmations
Chapter 5:
Affirmations For Attraction
A real world value of $197!
Here's Exactly What You're Getting With Each
master resell rights business...
Mini-Site Template - You'll get access to a professionally made mini-site template to house your information product. Use it to gather and welcome new subscribers, convert viewers into buyers, or for one of your existing products! It's entirely up to you!
Compiled PDF - You'll get access to a ready-formatted PDF which you can send to your new subscriber as soon as they've confirmed their opt-in or after they've made their purchase. No need for a word to PDF converter!
Sales Page and Squeeze Page - You'll get access to a standard HTML sales page or squeeze page. Simply add your name and payment button or auto-responder code and you're good to go!
Confirm Page and Download Page - You'll get access to a standard HTML confirm page or download page. If you're building your list, what better way to secure them than by asking them to confirm their subscription and checking out other related products through your affiliate link! If you're selling a report, what better way to provide good customer service by taking them to a thank you page and offering them more products through your affiliate link!
Disclaimer, Terms And Privacy - We've taken care of all the details, even the disclaimers and fine print!
SEO Optimized! - We include keywords in your H1, H2, and H3 header tags, and in your title tags as well as meta commands to stop your download pages from being indexed! We also use the latest CSS coding to keep your HTML clean so it gets picked up and favored by the search engines!
Here Are 16 Ways To Start Making Money With This Package Right nOW!
Money Making Idea #1: Sell as they are for fast and easy profits! - That's right - don't do anything to them. Don't change the sales page, the download page, or the squeeze page. Just download exactly what you receive and sell it on for quick money!
Money Making Idea #2: Sell individually for a stampede of payments! - Set up each product with their own domain or sub-domain and sell them individually for $7-$27 each for an army of consist payments! You could even slip in a one-time offer and up-sell master resell rights for a higher price (we'll get on to that later)
Money Making Idea #3: Add extra bonuses to each individual product to make them a no-brainer! - why not add a complimentary eBook into the offer and add more value to your products. You can sell at the same price or even raise it for more profits!
Money Making Idea #4: Give-away the PDF to build your list! - Very straight-forward. Simply use the squeeze page provided to hand out a free copy of the PDFs to your site visitors in exchange for their name and email. That way you're building a strong and solid foundation for your business and open the gates to sell high-ticket products later on in your sales funnel.
Money Making Idea #5: Give-away the PDF and add an option to tell 3 friends in exchange for another free gift! - Again, use the squeeze page provided to give away the PDF in exchange for a name and email, then as soon as they have submitted their information, ask them if they'd like to tell their friends about it too in exchange for another free PDF. You can use a tell-a-friend script to ethically bribe uses into sharing your site with others using scripts like ViralFriendlyGenerator!
Money Making Idea #6: Give-away the PDF and add a special one-time offer! - Why not make a sale whilst you're giving away your PDF? Simply slip in a special offer right after your visitor has signed up. You could offer master resell rights to the PDF they just subscribed for, or you can put together a package of other eBooks or home-study courses and sell personal rights. We use this technique a lot in our marketing system and it works like a charm!
Money Making Idea #7: Give-away the PDF, add an option to tell 3 friends and insert a one-time offer, plus a down-sell! - Better still, why not apply all 3 techniques by collecting leads, receiving fresh traffic from referrals and picking up sales from your one-time offer!
Money Making Idea #8: Cross-sell with other affiliate products on your download pages - Whether you're giving your eBook away or selling it with Master Resell Rights, you can cross-sell with other related affiliate products on your download page. For example, if you've just sold a guide on 'blogging for beginners' you can add a link on your download page that recommends blogging training video series!
Money Making Idea #9: Cross-sell with your own products on your download pages - If already have your own product and need more interested leads to visit your site, why not use the download page as a promotional tool to redirect traffic to your high-ticket product? You've already started the transaction by giving something away for free, and your visitors has already accepted the transaction by downloading your gift!
Money Making Idea #10: Package 2 or 3 or more together to create unique themed offers - Why not break down the eBooks on this page and group them into themes to create your own packages? That way you can add more value then just selling one of the eBooks alone!
Money Making Idea #11: Package 10-20 together with a time-limit to start your own fire sale! - Bundle 10 or more eBooks with or without Master Resell Rights and there you have your own wild fire sale! Even if you sell all eBooks for a measly $27, you can quickly conjure up $2700+ with just 100 sales!
Money Making Idea #12: Outsource a voice-over artist to read-aloud the PDF so you'll have an MP3 audio file to add value to your offers. You could even release part of the MP3 as a 'leaked' audio in exchange for a sign-up or to improve the conversions on your sales page! A voice on your sales page will add a new level of professionalism and build even more trust with your visitors!
Money Making Idea #13: Use that MP3 and submit it to podcast directories as free content. Tell your voice-over artist to mention the URL of your websites so you'll receive free traffic!
Money Making Idea #14: Outsource a voice-over artist to read-aloud the PDF and display a power-point presentation at the same time for an instant video! You'll be adding ten times more perceived value to your product and it will stand out from the crowd! Take it a step further and watermark the bottom of the video with your URL and give out a 'leaked video' for free on YouTube for instant traffic!
Money Making Idea #15: Set up your own eBook store! - Simply copy and paste the sales copy into your eBook store template along with the eCover image and you'll have a new product to sell. We plan to release more products like this in the future so you'll have a full store ready to collect payments day in, day out!
Money Making Idea #16: Start your own Master Resell Rights membership! - Because you have the license to sell the MRR eBooks individually with or without basic/master resell rights along with the mini-sites you can profit by providing fresh new content for your own membership! No need to create your own content and do things from scratch as everything is delivered to you on a monthly basis!
There are just so many ways to make money with these products you see here in front of you that it will take all day to go through all the possibilities! Even the ones mentioned here can still be dug into deeper!
You really cannot lose! Thanks to Master Resell Rights it's now easier than ever to start making serious money online - all you need to do is pick a technique and work with it!
“How Much Would This All Be Worth To You?”
Ok, forget everything you've read so far... honestly don't think of anything else on this page... quit wondering about the price... whether 'all this is true'... everything...
Just ask yourself one question...
What if you could just make an extra $100 a day... what would you do?
What if you got the worst results out of anyone who has bought this product, and only made an extra $50 a week?
Would an extra $200 a month be worth investing a one time investment and to see your income soar?
“Double Your Investment Or You Pay Nothing!”
Look, we're so confident in the power of this system that we're willing to reverse all the risk...
We understand that you might have gotten burned more than a few times before by blowing money on useless products...
That's the reason why we're going to let you test drive this entire system risk free. Scroll down, click the order button, download your master resell right businesses, and for any reason if you don't think that this was worth the price you paid... Simply shoot us an email, and we'll give you a no questions asked, prompt refund...
Sound fair enough?
What do you go to lose? Nothing...
After all, when there is such massive potential with master resell right products, who doesn't want to start the right way and keep using it to grow their business!?
You don't have to wait. You can get your hands on these highly sought after PLR products immediately after your purchase, so you don't have to wait until I wake up or even if I'm sleeping, you can still download it instantly.
***Hurry Don't Lose Out!***
NOTE: This page will automatically shut down when the timer reaches zero.
Act now to not lose out! We reserve the right to remove this offer without further notice.
YES Firstname! I Want My Master Resell Rights Package Now!
YES Firstname! I want instant access to these amazing products with full Master Resell Rights! | |
YES Firstname! I understand that I can profit in many way with these products and even sell them as is for fast profits! | |
YES Firstname! I also understand that if I'm not happy with these superb line of products and can't make more money from using it, I can simply ask for a refund even 60 days from now! |
Order Now Only $197
Grab Everything for $19.95!
At this insanely low price you'll be able to make your money back many times over! There are just so many ways to profit from this package that we're kicking ourselves for making it so easily available!
Order now before this offer is gone for good! A limited number of licenses will be available to the public to keep the competition down to a minimum!
Licensing Terms
To protect your purchase and maintain the value of these products please adhere to the licensing terms and conditions below:
[YES] You can sell personal rights
[YES] You can sell resell rights
[YES] You can sell master resell
[NO] You can sell private label rights
[NO] Can sell branding rights
[YES] Can give away eBooks individually - PDF format only
[NO] Can give away product minisite - must be sold if selling (master) resell rights
[YES] Can add the PDF products into free memberships - NOT the reseller files
[YES] Can add the PDF products and reseller files into paid memberships
[YES] Can bundle up to 20 products together - 20 in one month if adding to membership site
[YES] Can modify sales letter and add bonuses to the PDF offer
[NO] Can sell in dime sale events
[NO] Can sell in auction sites
[NO] Can claim authorship
[NO] Can claim copyrights
Click here to secure your order now
To Your Success! Firstname Lastname and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!
Firstname has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Firstname is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact YOUR@EMAILADDRESS.COM for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.
Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.
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